The 9 Best Flavored Whiskeys to Drink Right Now

Whisk(e)y is an interesting spirit. This is mostly because the umbrella includes so many different types. There’s bourbon whiskey, rye whiskey, Japanese whisky, Canadian whisky, Irish whiskey (only the US and Ireland use the ‘e’ in whiskey), single malt Scotch whisky, and so much more. As if listing the above whiskey variations wasn’t overwhelming enough, there’s also flavored whiskey.

For those unaware, flavored whiskey is exactly as it seems. In the most basic sense, flavored whiskey is a whiskey distilled with natural or artificial flavors or infused afterward. They can be flavored with almost anything palatable you can imagine. Popular flavors include cinnamon, peanut butter, salted caramel, and various fruit flavors.

The additional flavors elevate and add to the overall flavor profile when made well. When made poorly, these flavors are over-the-top or cloyingly sweet and memorable for the worst possible reasons.

That said, while a ton of flavored whiskeys aren’t worth your time, there are also countless that you’d be happy to add to your liquor cabinet or home bar cart. You’ll sip them neat, mix them into cocktails, and pass them around during tailgate season (and all year long).

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