Author: admin

Why It’s Really Hard To Cheat When You’re Married

Some years ago, my newspaper sent me abroad to cover a soccer tournament. As my newspaper is run by cheapskates, I ended up sharing a hotel room with two fellow journalists. That would have been fine, except that one of the two liked to hit the local bars every night. He was a good-looking guy, and he’d invariably end up in fascinating conversations with nice girls. But he was also engaged to be married, and so, each night, painfully, at about 3 a.m., he would detach from the conversation and return to the hotel, waking us up to lament yet another missed opportunity. He had stumbled on perhaps the great issue of modern marriage: how not to commit adultery. In the past, when most women...

A True Story Of Valentine’s Day Gone Awry

A few months ago, we asked for your stories of heartbreak and woe, for your personal accounts of when “the one” decided that she was done with you and kicked you to the curb. We asked because we know that, even if guys don’t like to admit to being dumped, it feels good to unload the truth in all its ghastly, miserable detail. And because we figured that other AskMen readers could learn from your mistakes. It seems that there’s a lot of pent-up heartache out there, because your stories came gushing in. We’ve chosen our favorites and will be publishing them on Wednesdays and Saturdays through the month of February (relationship month on ...

The Drink That’s Even More Classic Than The Martini

A little history with your buzz... Here’s the skinny on the Martinez, the progenitor of the martini: It’s delicious. And annoying to research online, where competing histories collide like ice in a cocktail shaker. In frustration, we turned to Max Warner, Global Brand Ambassador for Plymouth gin. “The Martinez was -- possibly -- created in Martinez, California, in the late 1800s.” Key word: "Possibly." But influence is more important than origin. “It’s the link between the Manhattan and the present-day martini,” Warner contends. “The Martinez, based on the Manhattan, substituted Old Tom gin for whisky.” That recipe saw print most famously in Jerry Thomas’ ...

Tell Us About Your Craziest New Orleans Experience

We think that New Orleans deserves the slogan "What happens here, stays here" more than Las Vegas. Everyone knows what happens in Sin City. What goes down in Nola, however, is as murky as Louisiana's swamps.We go to New Orleans to escape our regular lives, to live decadently for a few nights. And whether or not the city's reputation for debauchery is manufactured, it offers all visitors the chance to overindulge on food, booze, music and more. Everyone comes back with a story. We want to hear yours. So, former spring breakers, Mardi Gras revelers, Super Bowl spectators and regular old tourists, tell us what happened. We promise to keep your name a secret, but we'll...

The Mardi Gras Guide The Locals Don’t Want You To See

You’ve been working your ass off through a miserably cold winter and badly need a break or you might stab your boss in his goddamned throat with a pencil. Lucky for you, you’re going to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Your plan is to go off the grid for four days and completely steer clear of the tourist hordes that invade the Big Easy this time of year. Yes, you’re headed for a lost weekend. There will be no continental breakfast to greet you after a big night of singing karaoke on Bourbon Street. This itinerary will push you into the deep end of the Mardi Gras pool, starting the weekend before Fat Tuesday itself. You won’t ...