Author: admin

Are You Man Enough To Actually Call A Woman?

I was at a party, and a friend of mine met a girl. It was standard house-party stuff -- too hot and overcrowded, with bad snacks and warm beer. They chatted, laughed a bit, tried to talk over the loud music, had a few drinks. I dragged him out around 1 a.m. It was clear that they had totally clicked. As we were getting in to the cab, I asked him if he got her number. He said no, that he’d just track her down on Facebook. The next day in a cloudy, post-party stupor, he creeped Facebook, found her...

A Guide To Modern Dating

A New York Times trend piece from January titled “The End of Courtship?” was exactly what a New York Times trend piece usually is: mostly correct, but sort of obvious, and about six months too late on the issue. Like, did you know that we don’t really go on dates anymore but merely, “hang out”? That’s right. The article outlines out How Millennials Date Now, and it mostly thinks the way they do is bad. The days of “I’ll pick you up at 8:00 on Friday night” are long over for many, as now we can just text each other on a whim and say “Yo, sup? Wanna meet...

Why It’s Really Hard To Cheat When You’re Married

Some years ago, my newspaper sent me abroad to cover a soccer tournament. As my newspaper is run by cheapskates, I ended up sharing a hotel room with two fellow journalists. That would have been fine, except that one of the two liked to hit the local bars every night. He was a good-looking guy, and he’d invariably end up in fascinating conversations with nice girls. But he was also engaged to be married, and so, each night, painfully, at about 3 a.m., he would detach from the conversation and return to the hotel, waking us up to lament yet another missed opportunity. He had stumbled on perhaps the great issue of modern marriage: how not to commit adultery. In the past, when most women...