Author: admin

Tony Horton: The Third Factor For Total Fitness

I recently put together the 11 Laws of Fitness, a few pearls of lifestyle wisdom that should help folks lead a healthier, happier life. But, lately, I’ve been thinking -- why should exercise get all the attention? Sure, No.11 on the list is “Food and Nutrition,” but given the huge role food plays in our health, doesn’t it deserve its own list of laws?The answer to that question, my friends, is "yes,” so here's the latest in the 11 Laws of Nutrition, a series designed to get you thinking about what, why and how you eat. Hopefully, it’ll inspire you to take ...

The Most Common Hair-Loss Myths Debunked

Hair loss is one of the most potent fears for men of a certain age. In fact, recent research has shown that a quarter of men aged 25-29 are more concerned with losing their locks than they are with other age-related inevitabilities like skin aging or going gray. This is primarily because we’ve come to associate a full head of hair with virility. The prospect of going bald is often felt as a loss of masculinity or power, a deficit that can usher in a crisis as exemplified by numerous cases of male menopause visible in a neighborhood near you. This subconscious fear is so pervasive that it’s created an industry worth...

Is 35 The New 25 For Athletes?

When Manchester United's 37-year-old midfielder Ryan Giggs was awarded the Golden Foot Award for 2011, it got Simon Kuper wondering about the likelihood of a player lasting so long at the top of his game. So he set out to answer this question: What's the optimum age for soccer-playing dominance? Growing old You might expect the maximum age for soccer players to have risen. After all, while players used to live like rock stars, they now look after themselves. And sports medicine has come a long way since the days when a “physio” (typically, a retired player) would rub his “magic sponge” over an injury and when broken legs ended careers. Four years ...