Author: admin

How To Get Ahead In your Career

Everyone sets ambitious goals for the new year. Most of the time, we let them slide. But if you made some sort of plan to get things progressing at your job, you should really try to stick to it. In the spirit of encouragement, we have compiled our best videos on furthering careers. Turn off your phone. It's time for you to do a little homework. Master The Art Of Networking You may be great at your job, but unless you know how to leverage your connections, you won't get very far. Navigate The Corporate Waters Working the room is one thing, but making the ...

How To React Quickly To Any Situation

Not every stressful situation is the same. There exists no template of reaction sequences that you can simply memorize and adopt whenever things aren’t going your way. Most of life’s most important moments take the form of a curveball hurtling your way. Sure, you can stay up until 2 a.m. forming the perfect answer to “What would you say are your weaknesses?” but how could you prepare for “Bear vs. Tiger: You have three minutes”? Similarly, though you may be able to do your prep work on things like “buying her flowers,” the likelihood of anticipating the whole “she&rsquo...

A Real-Life Story Of Learning To Be Confident

This answer, by Matthew Manning, originally appeared on Quora. We think it's pretty worthwhile reading and have left it as is, unedited.First a picture of me:That's a picture of me Skyping my mother to tell her about an awful canker sore I developed inside my mouth. Doesn't that look so painful? Dear god -- it was!Now, a bit about me:- I am 28- I have a Master's Degree- A good job- Public transit works fine for meSuffice to say, we're at about the same place. So why do I have self-esteem and you don't?Well, first of all we should clarify. Self-esteem is not binary. It's not something you have or don't have. It's different for each person in different ways. As...

The 10 Highest-Paying Jobs In America

2. Dentists and Orthodontists Annual mean wage: $204,670Training time: 8 years Dentists might occasionally play second fiddle to the doctors who often share the same facilities, but there’s nothing shabby about earning a living working on teeth. Of these specialists, orthodontists earn the highest annual mean wage, taking home $204,670. In general, dentists earn $161,750. Although there are more than 90,000 general dentists who make up the U.S. workforce, orthodontists are much rarer, hence their higher salary. Orthodontists number slightly more than 5,000, and there’s something to be said about a California smile -- the state has the highest number of orthodontists in the U.S. Working as a dentist varies throughout the country, but dentists typically require eight years...

Tony Horton: The Third Factor For Total Fitness

I recently put together the 11 Laws of Fitness, a few pearls of lifestyle wisdom that should help folks lead a healthier, happier life. But, lately, I’ve been thinking -- why should exercise get all the attention? Sure, No.11 on the list is “Food and Nutrition,” but given the huge role food plays in our health, doesn’t it deserve its own list of laws?The answer to that question, my friends, is "yes,” so here's the latest in the 11 Laws of Nutrition, a series designed to get you thinking about what, why and how you eat. Hopefully, it’ll inspire you to take ...