Author: admin

5 Alternative Careers For Guys Who Can’t Deal With An Office

Regardless of your feelings about the state of men in 2012, the undeniable and sobering truth is that it's an adapt-or-die environment out there on the job market. And that probably won't change in 2013. For a lot of guys, adaptation to a white-collar workplace is simply not an option. A generation ago, these guys would have been able to find work in the manufacturing sector, but those jobs have long since began to trickle out (or, you know, be sucked out through the Hoover of globalization, but we digress) and are now overseas. Today's job-seeking man would be forgiven for thinking he has two choices: Put up with the social dynamics of the white-collar workforce, which ...

Succeed At Man’s Greatest Dating Challenge

Congratulations, you've done it. You found yourself a beautiful girl, you asked her out and things went swimmingly. You've become two peas in a pod and have enjoyed plenty of raucous lovemaking and romantic getaways. Now comes the fun part. It doesn't matter how friendly and open-minded a woman's parents are -- when they meet you, they will have their bullsh*t detector cranked up to 11. Nothing is more important to parents than protecting their children's feelings, and regardless of how devoted and considerate a boyfriend you are, they are going to consider you a possible threat. If you accept that right out of the gates, you're already halfway to acceptance. It's crucial that ...

Essential Knowledge: How To Give A Great Massage

This isn't going to be a Playboy instructional video on how to handle women too beautiful to exist in real life and how to make them respond in ways no one has ever heard of. The idea here is to turn you into a massage master Jedi, a relaxation guru if you will. That's really what a good rubdown is -- a way to relieve stress and channel positive energy through to the other person. Not only is it one of the best ways to signal to your partner that you're ready to move to the next level physically, but it's also a fantastic way to let her know how much you care...

What Diet Is Right For You?

I recently put together the 11 Laws of Fitness, a few pearls of lifestyle wisdom that should help folks lead a healthier, happier life. But, lately, I’ve been thinking -- why should exercise get all the attention? Sure, No.11 on the list is “Food and Nutrition,” but given the huge role food plays in our health, doesn’t it deserve its own list of laws?The answer to that question, my friends, is "yes,” so here's the latest in the 11 Laws of Nutrition, a series designed to get you thinking about what, why and how you eat. Hopefully, it’ll inspire you to take all the ...

The Real Secret To Fat Loss

The question of how to lose weight is tricky, but I can clarify some aspects of metabolism that will allow you to plan your caloric balance to achieve fat loss. Weightlifting: Miracle Fat Burner? No -- but it's still important. Weightlifting, or any kind of resistance exercise that can include things such as body-weight exercises, Pilates, some forms of yoga and certain martial arts training, are damn important. But let’s first look at the direct calorie-burning effect it has first.The caloric burn rate of all physical activities can be assessed by a “metabolic equivalent,” or MET. Sitting on the couch is 1 MET, an assessment...