Author: admin

Can You Drive A Porsche In Severe Winter Conditions?

Earlier last month, a cold wave blasted New England, dropping temperatures to a heart-frosting 22 degrees below zero Fahrenheit in the evening. It’s the type of frigid that freezes exposed earlobes into fleshy ice cubes. It was amid this icy spell that Porsche thought it’d be a good time to show the world -- or, more specifically, some potential customers -- that its cars are built for these intrepid conditions. Lest we not forget that while the 911 Carrera is a near-immaculate performance machine, its performance is not predicated on delicacy. And the brand-new 2013 911 Carrera 4 -- the “4” designates its all-wheel-drive capabilities -- is especially adept. Be it rain, snow, sleet or...

How One Real Guy Quit His Job To Follow His Dream

After I got my English degree, I worked as a locomotive conductor, the same as my dad before me, for six years. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it. The hours were brutal, but the work was fun, and I got to rub shoulders with hundreds of different guys, all of whom could take the prize for funniest, raunchiest and biggest smartass on the planet. I’ve retained enough NSF the average W jokes to fill a filthy, sexist library, and I had the pleasure of occupying the only profession, apart from deep-sea diver, in which you can pee wherever you want.But I’d catch myself picking up a ...