Author: admin

One Man’s Quest To Get Laid

AskMen's Dating Diary is where real guys give real-life play-by-plays of their dating experiences. The next installment will run tomorrow. “Go for gold!”“Got to be in it to win it!”“Hit ‘em with your best shot!”Psyching yourself up with truisms, I have learned, isn’t the best way to score with a great-looking girl. For the majority of my bar-going years, I’ve been the passive one. A lot of male groups have guys like me -- men who are openly willing to speak to a girl if she comes along, but not the type to bombard every ...

What To Do If She’s Texting You Constantly

Blogger Essentially Angela decodes modern love in the social media age. Is Nonstop Texting A Red Flag? Dear EA,I’ve gone out with this girl a few times, and it’s going well except for one thing. She texts me nonstop. If I send her a “good morning,” I can’t even finish my morning business before she hits me back with multiple texts on different topics. She’s not calling all the time or even annoying when we are hanging out, but I’m concerned that this is indicative of future needy behavior. Does she really have nothing better to do than to text me detailing how much traffic there was ...

Christina Hendricks’ Hosting Rules

Earlier this year, we met up with Christina Hendricks in Rio de Janeiro, where she was launching a new campaign for Johnnie Walker Blue Label. One of the insights we took from our visit is that while it's important to have some quality food and drink on offer, it's not just about the drink, it's about the hosting. The sizzle along with the steak, if you will. That's what we were thinking about when we met Christina, so we asked her for some advice on hosting a get-together if you're, say, a young guy who's a little short on flair bartending skills. "Guys, sometimes, when they're new at this, they're not very good at it," said Christina. "I've been to ...

The Art Of Throwing A Christmas Party

You might have heard them already. They will creep into your brain, as they do every year, right around mid-November. Who among us will ever forget "Silver Bells"? Or "Jingle Bells"? Or "Hark, The Herald Angels Sing"? Christmas returns again. As memorable as Christmas music is, more memorable is the Christmas party. Maybe it's your turn to host the office's staff celebration this year or maybe you just damn well want to host a party during the holidays. We're not going to quibble on the whys. We're just going to tell you how to do it right. hosting christmas parties You need to make a list. Get some names down, preferably all the people you want to come to this year's soiree. Then...

The Return Of The Greatest Salad Of All Time

There is something about the simple wedge salad that has always appealed to me. I first encountered it during a meal at a UK steakhouse chain in the mid 1970s, and after one bite of the crisp iceberg lettuce topped with creamy blue cheese dressing and chunks of bacon, I was hooked. It's been my choice of appetizer at countless steakhouses in the 30-plus years since then.Unlike some salads (like the Waldorf and the Caesar), there are no restaurants that lay claim to creating this particular dish. However, by the middle of the 1950s and well into the 1960s, it was almost ubiquitous on menus ...