Author: admin

How To Master Time Management

Time management would be more aptly named "the art of juggling." It's a buzzword that has been bandied about since you entered middle school. A concept that, for all the attention it gets, we still fail at. List the many millions of things you have to do in a day. How often do you actually get all of those things done? How many of them are never completed because you never got to them the day before? Time management is never properly addressed. No one teaches you how to be good at taking your day apart so you get to everything you want to get done. We learn through trial and error, and use it with varying degrees of efficiency. For some people ...

The True Marks Of A Gentleman

Some argue that the concept of being a gentleman is archaic. Others argue that the rules of being a gentleman have not and cannot change, and if you’re not standing reflexively when a woman enters the room, then you might as well go live under a bridge. Being a modern gentleman is both of these things, but also neither. I’m sure as hell not standing just because a woman enters the room, or throwing my jacket over a mud puddle. But at the same time, any man who wants to rise above and stand out (in a good way) needs to keep in mind a few things that separate a modern gentleman from...

The Diet That Optimizes Your Mind And Your Body

The Motivation Diet is a lifestyle -- it's a plan to improve your physical and mental performance. The key is a nutritional framework that fits into your busy and ambitious schedule. It can be practiced long term for continued results and is flexible enough to meet the demands of real life. But there is a way to further augment the benefits delivered by this strategy. A healthy brain is the key to ebullient motivation, which is the fundamental goal of this lifestyle. Physical challenge is an indispensable tool for keeping your brain happy, engaged and acute. Like the Motivation Diet’s eating plan, the concomitant exercise scheme is adapted to fit into a busy schedule. Circuit training based on body weight exercises is ...

The Exercise You Need To Do But Probably Aren’t

What are the first exercises you think of when it comes to building pounds of head-turning muscle mass?Bench press? Pull-ups? Deadlifts? Squats?While those exercises have their place. But if you don’t build a solid foundation for your joints, these techniques could be setting you up for long-term injuries and setback.Although I will be the first to admit that training for joint stability may not be as sexy as crushing 300 pounds on a bench press, I will tell you it is absolutely paramount when it comes to transforming your body. It is often the more obscure muscle groups that you do not train that are holding you back. Hit Your Weak Links And See Results When New ...

The Reason Why Most People Don’t Stick To A Diet

I recently put together the 11 Laws of Fitness, a few pearls of lifestyle wisdom that should help folks lead a healthier, happier life. But, lately, I’ve been thinking -- why should exercise get all the attention? Sure, No.11 on the list is “Food and Nutrition,” but given the huge role food plays in our health, doesn’t it deserve its own list of laws?The answer to that question, my friends, is "yes,” so here's the latest in the 11 Laws of Nutrition, a series designed to get you thinking about what, why and how you eat. Hopefully, it’ll...