Author: admin

The Importance Of Networking (And How To Do It Well)

Who you know matters. Our relationships with others form the core of our human lives. Even a hermit has to have interacted with someone at some point -- I mean, someone did actually take care of that creepy old man as a baby, just maybe not all that well. Through the course of your life, you will encounter thousands of people. Some may share your interests and passions, but many won’t give a hoot about who you are or what your potential is. Your life goals are your life goals, and most people will never help you pursue them. In order to get help, you need to...

The Rugged Reality Of Being A Pro Fisherman

Sports stars aren’t like you and me. They make millions of dollars. They have extensive entourages attending to their every need. They’re represented by armies of agents, managers and lawyers, experts on extracting the best deals for their clients from teams and sponsors. When they travel, they take private jets or ride in swagged-out tour buses.Well, most sports stars. There’s another breed of pro athlete -- guys who are renowned for their prowess, followed by adoring fans and are generally considered legends in their field -- but for whom none of that applies. I’m talking about...

What It’s Like To Work In the Porn Industry

I don't remember a lot of the porn I've watched over the years, but the internet did flash me one pair of tits I know I'll never forget.I'd just started working at a new office job and had been borrowing my boss’ laptop each morning when I got in -- the office had been one computer short ever since I'd been hired. I was careful to clear my browsing history twice at the end of each day, paranoid that I might leave behind some trace of Facebook. Eventually, I lifted the screen one morning and realized that it wasn’t my own web activity I should’ve been worrying about.There they were: Colossal boobs, shown in...

How To Master Time Management

Time management would be more aptly named "the art of juggling." It's a buzzword that has been bandied about since you entered middle school. A concept that, for all the attention it gets, we still fail at. List the many millions of things you have to do in a day. How often do you actually get all of those things done? How many of them are never completed because you never got to them the day before? Time management is never properly addressed. No one teaches you how to be good at taking your day apart so you get to everything you want to get done. We learn through trial and error, and use it with varying degrees of efficiency. For some people ...