Author: admin

Why Every Man Can Become More Attractive To Women

This answer, by Oliver Emberton, originally appeared on Quora. We think it's pretty worthwhile reading.Imagine how you'd feel if your dream girl said she might "settle" for you. She had someone better in mind, but he was out of reach, so with reluctance she decided you'd have to do. Belittled? Inadequate? Pathetic? Don't do that to someone else.OK, so you want this ideal girl? Chances are she probably isn't the one you think she is -- but that doesn't mean the journey is pointless. It could be the wake-up call you need.One of the wonderful and horrendously unfair...

A Guide To Holiday Booze

Is there a better time of year to get drunk than the holiday season? We're not talking about drunk like the rest of the year, when you spend yet another regretful night out till closing time with the guys, but drunk with refinement and sophistication. This Christmas, toast to health and happiness in style and not with a bottle of malt liquor in hand. booze for the festive spirit There is so much diversity when it comes to holiday spirits. Not the ghost of Christmas past, present and future, but the kind of quality stuff Chuck Dickens was on when he wrote all that crap. OK, you got us. That was grain alcohol and opium. Bad example...

Hosting Dinner At Your Place — Cheaply

Hosting a dinner party is a fun and rewarding experience. In addition, it’s interesting to bring different groups and types of friends together to see what kind of chemistry might develop. But one of the dangers of playing host is that it’s all too easy to break the bank on food and décor. You shouldn’t have to take out a second mortgage; it is possible to host a dinner party on the cheap. Potluck and BYOB have their merits, but your guests should know well enough to bring a bottle or a dessert. And really, potluck and BYOB aren’t the best ways to impress. If you’re stuck for ideas, ...

How To Set Up The Perfect Whisky Tasting

AskMen has partnered with Bespoke Post to bring you July's Box of Awesome -- a kit to barrel-age your own alcohol. Check out the deal here. If you’re like a lot of guys out there, you probably think tasting whisky is drinking it straight out of the bottle and going bubbles up as opposed to mixing it with your favorite carbonated beverage. If you’re not among this classy group, congratulations; you’ve been paying attention to what we’ve been telling you. Still, there’s a significant portion of the population that doesn’t know that you can taste whisky in much the...

The Perfect Holiday Cocktail Is Right Under Your Nose

A good dry martini is like an Ernest Hemingway short story: It’s deceptively simple (only three ingredients, after all), but the product of a deft, confident hand. You don’t just throw a good martini together -- it’s the cocktail that many bartenders find the most difficult to mix. There’s nowhere to hide with a martini. With just gin, vermouth and a garnish, if the balance is wrong the customer is either faced with a hit of raw booze or a drink awash with vermouth. Add to that the fact that the term martini is now used to cover up a multitude of sins -- including the use of vodka -- and the senseless...