Author: admin

How To Be Mentally Prepared For Everything

Here’s the thing about life: It doesn’t know it exists. We are its embodiment, and, as a result, only we are in control. The unexpected happens. Someone we care about passes on, we get fired, we crash cars. Though these events are problems in and of themselves, we are always woefully unprepared for them. But there are ways to ease the unexpected to make it more bearable. It’s almost funny how in retrospect there are always a thousand different ways the unexpected could have been avoided. Take crashing a car. You could have waited to respond to that text message, driven just a tad slower, or faster...

Workout Tips From A UFC Fighter

I get asked a lot about my training schedule, diet and overall fitness plan. For my fight on FOX this Saturday against Anthony Pettis, I’m making final preparations to ensure that I’m in the best shape possible. I’m not going to lie, though -- losing weight and getting in peak shape is not easy. So I’ve broken my training down into three key areas that I think can help just about anyone find that extra motivation to get in great shape. Train Hard, But Have Fun The best way to kill your drive is with monotony. I’m always trying to vary my workouts, especially when it comes to the ...

Life Lessons From A Failed New Year’s Resolution

Staying healthy is hard.When I first began my New Year’s resolution, I was as gung ho as gung ho can be. I approached it like Rocky Balboa going into the third act of any of his movies. I was ready to kick ass. But before long, much like many of us who choose health-centric resolutions do, I failed. In fact, the second I’m done typing this, I’m going to walk over to my freezer and eat a Choco Taco. Why? Because I have the willpower of a sex addict in Amsterdam. That’s why. But I’m not alone.It’s true. Right about now, countless others are reflecting on their abandoned ...

Get Lean And Mean With A Plant-Based Diet

Having been a competitive endurance athlete since I was 15, I’ve found that, once I overcame the initial pitfalls, a plant-based whole-food diet offered several advantages. Among them: I didn’t get sick as often, I was able to train harder and I stayed light -- yet became stronger. Clearly these are significant advantages when pursuing peak athletic performance. But remaining light while still having the ability to build muscular strength -- and therefore functionality -- was certainly one of the greatest attributes this novel way of eating bestowed upon me. As endurance athletes, we don’t aspire to build bulk, but rather to develop the strength of what musculature we do ...

How To Kick Winter’s Ass

The Christmas lights are long gone, the holiday cheer has waned, and it gets dark at 4:00 p.m. It’s winter, and people tend to get a little bummed out this time of year. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder that affects nearly 10{8913128544c6449f9b915fc6f11ec2256e269d67c89c0d192a10db1cf194ea7f} of people in regions like southern Canada and the northern United States. But even if you don’t have SAD, winter can still be a complete bummer. We want to help. Here are some things to do and items to buy that may help you deal with the season's cold realities. Indoor Via: AmazonPhilips goLITE You’ve seen those unwieldy, odd-looking...