Author: admin

The Secret Way To Make Sure You Never Get Fired

We all want to be great at something. Usain Bolt didn’t end up making cocky gestures at the finish line because he was pretty good at lots of sports, Stephen Hawking hasn’t inspired legions of astrophysicists by working on his haikus and David Copperfield isn’t famous for being a great all-rounder.So, logically, in the professional world, especially in tough times, it makes sense to get really, really good at what you do. Right?Wrong. Those in the know (business leaders, recruitment professionals, career coaches) are pushing a new buzzword: cross-train. What is Professional Cross-Training? Cross-training has been around in ...

Success Doesn’t Come Easy Or Fast

The types of risks people take in life are directly related to their definition of success. The person who defines success as living comfortably and raising a family is going to live life very differently from the person who defines it as hosting talk shows. Jumping off of snowy mountains every day strapped to a board is a perfectly reasonable risk for an aspiring professional snowboarder, but not for someone aspiring to become a plastic surgeon. There is, however, a problem within the industry I work in, entertainment. When people talk of succeeding within it, they actually mean becoming famous. It’s an attitude I have ran into often in my trials as an actor...

How To Be The Most Popular Guy At The Bar

A bar is its own distinct ecosystem. Sometimes the elements exist in harmony, like a government-protected wilderness area, all bubbling springs and bountiful coastlines. No one leaves angry, and as the night progresses, the din gets progressively louder, the music gets better and there's a feeling that anything can happen. Other nights, some groups exert themselves too much and other groups become endangered -- the girl's night out being forcibly crashed by a group of too-drunk finance guys on the prowl, the couple having a fight sucking the good energy out of a supposed-to-have-been-fun group ...