The 4 Types of Wallets Every Guy Should Know

In college, there was a piece of paper taped into the interior of the elevator. Printed on it, it read, “PKW: Phone, Keys, Wallet.” This was a quick way to remind the students of Assumption Hall (I went to a Catholic school, if the name doesn’t give it away) to never forget their most vital items.

Well, having had that hammered into my head for four semesters, I’ve never quite forgotten that damn phrase: PKW. But, the problem has been lately that the acronym is more like PKOWINTU: Phone, Keys, and Old Wallet I Need To Upgrade. Yes, I think my little leather card holder is on its last leg. Handsewn by Native artisans from handwoven wool, it cost me nearly $70. After a year of use, it’s tearing at the corners and has a permanent stain from my greasy fingers opening and closing it.

So, because of this, I’ve been on a bit of a hunt for finding the perfect wallet. Usually, this would be a pretty simple task, considering I carry just two credit cards and my ID on me. But the reality is that there’s so much variety when it comes to wallets and a lot of bad options out there. Who knew that an item I sit on for the majority of the day would stress me out more than the last expensive coat I bought?

This time around, I’m going with a bifold wallet in a more sturdy leather and I’m expecting it to last me a lifetime (or, at the very least, until I get bored with it). In the meantime, I’ve put together a guide of the various types of wallets, and a few suggestions of the best picks in the market today.

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