How To Kick Winter’s Ass

The Christmas lights are long gone, the holiday cheer has waned, and it gets dark at 4:00 p.m. It’s winter, and people tend to get a little bummed out this time of year. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder that affects nearly 10{8913128544c6449f9b915fc6f11ec2256e269d67c89c0d192a10db1cf194ea7f} of people in regions like southern Canada and the northern United States. But even if you don’t have SAD, winter can still be a complete bummer. We want to help. Here are some things to do and items to buy that may help you deal with the season’s cold realities. Indoor Via: AmazonPhilips goLITE You’ve seen those unwieldy, odd-looking…
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